Hops for Hope 5k Beer Run/Walk 2019

St. Charles, IL

Campaign Information


Top Individuals

Top Teams

George and Pussanee Pastorino

Thank you so much for your support of Project Mobility.  Please help put Phyically Challeged Childern on specailly Adaped Bikes

Fun Facts about Project Mobility in 2018:
- Supported 26 soldier rides with wounded veterans
- Provided
 36 adaptive bike days and in-services with many different disability organizations, hospitals and schools across the country
- Went to 21 different states
- Traveled 30,267
- Provided dozens of specially adapted bikes to Physically Challeged Childern 


My Contributors

Heather Miller $26.91
Robert Dirth $53.51
George Whaley $200.00
Joanne Linane $50.00
Nancy Lee $50.00
Dale & Kris Madsen $26.91
Nita Haas $42.87
Stephen Beyer $50.00
Name Undisclosed $18.00
Donna Kerr $25.00
Name Undisclosed $25.00
Ruth Dover $50.00
Karen Kiley $50.00
Kate Cogswell $50.00
Angelee Wychesit $106.70
Thomas Clarke $26.91
J & R Cycle Pecora $100.00
Michael Kolodziej $50.00
Laifau Chung $25.00
Anonymous $50.00
Mary Derks $26.91
Linnea Myers $50.00
Bert Travis $32.23
Anonymous $213.09
David Bell $53.51
terry Mitchell $100.00
Baltimore Ortega $75.00
Lee Nye $200.00
Judith Schnur $1,064.15
George Pastorino $106.70
George Pastorino $21.28
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